Germany: Legalization will be discussed this Friday, the 23rd

The German Bundestag will finally deliberate on the legalization of cannabis for personal consumption in the country. The debate, which has been closely followed around the world, is scheduled for this Friday, February 23, 2024.
The German Bundestag is about to make a historic decision this Friday, February 23, 2024, on the federal government's draft law that aims to regulate recreational cannabis. Entitled the “Cannabis Law” (CanG,20/8704,20/8763), the proposal provides that adults may possess up to 25 grams of cannabis for personal consumption. The project foresees private and community non-commercial cultivation, as well as controlled distribution by cultivation associations. It will be voted on Friday at 13:10 pm local time.
The bill prepared by the federal government creates specific conditions to legalize the private consumption of cannabis under specific conditions. One of the main motivations behind the proposed law, spearheaded by health minister Karl Lauterbach, is the need to deal with the increase in consumption of the substance, which persists despite the prohibition measures in place. The minister argues that the black market poses health risks due to the lack of quality control and the lack of protection for minors when accessing cannabis.
The bill
According to the project, adults will be able to possess up to 25 grams of cannabis for their own consumption, as is already the case in Portugal. However, German users will have the possibility of growing up to three plants for personal use. Strict provisions will be created to regulate non-commercial cultivation associations, which will be responsible for the cultivation activities and distribution of cannabis to their members. In addition, measures are planned to protect children and young people, namely the ban on advertising and sponsorship as well as no-consumption zones in sensitive areas.
Contrary and Critical Positions
However, not everyone is in favor of the proposed legalization. The Federal Council expressed concerns about the costs associated with implementing and monitoring the law, as well as the possible risks that may arise in terms of public health. The CDU/CSU faction and the AfD parliamentary group have called for the abandonment of legalization plans, highlighting concerns about the negative effects of cannabis consumption, especially among young people.
Despite the controversies, the federal government is confident that the decriminalization of cannabis will result in significant benefits, including savings on legal costs and a reduction in the black market. However, the debate in the Bundestag promises to be heated, with arguments about public health, road safety and youth protection.
Tomorrow, the world will have its eyes on the Bundestag discussion, which could have profound repercussions on German society, both in terms of public health and criminal justice policies. But this could also be a milestone in European policy on recreational cannabis, as several countries could follow the German approach.
[Disclaimer: Please note that this text was originally written in Portuguese and is translated into English and other languages using an automatic translator. Some words may differ from the original and typos or errors may occur in other languages.]____________________________________________________________________________________________________
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I am one of the directors of CannaReporter, which I founded together with Laura Ramos. I am from the unique Island of Madeira, where I currently reside. While I was in Lisbon at FCUL studying Physical Engineering, I became involved in the national hemp and cannabis scene and participated in several associations, some of which I am still a member of. I follow the global industry and especially legislative advances regarding the different uses of cannabis.
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