Synthetic substances threaten Mary Jane Berlin's huge success

This edition of Mary Jane Berlin was expected to be the largest gathering ever for the cannabis community in Europe, with around 40.000 visitors expected at Messe Berlin throughout this weekend. But the huge influx of people and the sale of “synthetic substances” threatened to put an end to the party: “Due to the current situation, with more than 20 ambulance calls, we are forced to react in the spirit of cannabis culture”, warned the organization, in a letter sent this morning to exhibitors, leaving thousands of people at the door and inviting the rest not to go to the venue, even if they had a ticket. Saturday's after-party was also cancelled, for security reasons.
It's been an intense weekend for authorities in Berlin, with two massive events taking place in Germany simultaneously: Mary Jane Berlin and Euro 2024, the European football championship. Posters advertising Mary Jane are everywhere and few will have remained indifferent to the event of the year in the first major public event of the post-legalization era in Germany.

Thousands of people were unable to enter Mary Jane this Saturday, June 15, 2024, at Messe Berlin. Photo: Anuj Desay
The organization expected a significant increase in attendance this year and for this reason had already changed the location for the event, moving to the huge Messe Berlin, capable of receiving around 40 thousand people to visit more than 400 exhibitors in 20.000 m2 (of which 16.000 indoors and 4.000 outdoors). But, despite the apparent tranquility with which the event took place on the first day, Friday, June 14, not everything went as expected. The turnout was even greater than expected, with long queues to enter the venue from early in the morning. But the biggest problem would come later, with more than 20 ambulances being called to the scene, to help several people who felt unwell after consuming products with “synthetic substances” or “magic mushrooms”, said the Mary Jane organization in a note sent to exhibitors, to which CannaReporter® had access.
Exhibitors Who Sold Synthetics Banned From Mary Jane Forever
In the communication that Mary Jane sent to exhibitors it can be read: “From tomorrow, 15.06.2024, ALL semi-synthetic and synthetic substances such as HHC, THC-P, MUSHROOMS, MUSCIMOL etc., are PROHIBITED at Mary Jane Berlin. If consumers continue to be in danger and an ambulance only needs to be called, the exhibition will be closed after consultation with the police. As organizers, we and the exhibition are under the focus of politics, the media and the police. It is now crucial that we all come together as a family in the interest of cannabis culture and act together. Only by working closely together can we protect and promote the positive development of this movement. The exhibitors in question will be banned from all future trade shows forever. Thank you for your understanding!"
In addition to this note sent to exhibitors, Mary Jane also notified visitors via Instagram. Substances, particularly synthetic cannabinoids, represent a significant danger for the most incautious users and are being banned everywhere, having already been expressly prohibited in countries such as the Czech Republic or several states in the United States. In Portugal, there is still no legislation applicable to these products, but it is not difficult to find them in some cannabis or hemp derivatives stores.
What are synthetic cannabinoids and why are they dangerous?
Very basically, synthetic cannabinoids such as HHC are sprayed onto cannabis flowers or biomass and are generally smoked, although concentrates can also be ingested. Most synthetic cannabinoids are receptor agonists of the endocannabinoid system and were designed to be similar to THC, the natural cannabinoid with the strongest binding affinity to the CB 1 receptor and which is linked to psychotropic effects. Synthetic analogous components generally have greater binding affinity to the CB 1 receptor and can be much more potent, because they are generally full CB1 agonists, while THC is only a partial agonist. Adverse effects reported by users of synthetic cannabinoids include palpitations, paranoia, intense anxiety, nausea, vomiting, confusion, lack of coordination and even seizures. And although there are no fatal cases of overdose related to cannabis, there have been cases of death related to synthetic cannabinoids, hence Mary Jane's enormous concern about this issue and the safety of visitors to the event.

Mary Jane 2024. Photo: Laura Ramos | CannaReporter®
CannaReporter® attempted to contact Mary Jane's press office, but did not receive a response at the time of publishing this article. However, throughout yesterday and today, Mary Jane reported through her social networks, namely Instagram, what was happening. “The event is completely sold out, there are no tickets at all”, with the organization even asking participants not to come on Saturday, due to the huge queues to enter, noting that tickets would be valid for Sunday. The 'after-party' was also cancelled. “Due to the influx of too many visitors, the party we had planned for after the exhibition represents a security risk. So, unfortunately we will have to cancel it. We are very sorry!”
It remains uncertain what will happen on the third and final day of Mary Jane, tomorrow, Sunday, but in the meantime the thousands of visitors ended up spreading out over the countless parties taking place tonight in the German capital, to celebrate the first year of legal cannabis culture in the German capital. Germany. One thing is certain: the Mary Jane of 2024 will hardly be forgotten and will go down in history, perhaps, as the first great explosion of cannabis culture in Europe.
Editor's note: The title of this news was changed from just “cannabinoids” to “substances” on June 16th at 11:30 am, in order to reflect exactly what was mentioned in Mary Jane's communications.
[Disclaimer: Please note that this text was originally written in Portuguese and is translated into English and other languages using an automatic translator. Some words may differ from the original and typos or errors may occur in other languages.]____________________________________________________________________________________________________
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With a degree in Journalism from the University of Coimbra, Laura Ramos has a postgraduation in Photography and has been a Journalist since 1998. Winner of the Business of Cannabis Awards in the category "Journalist of the Year 2024", Laura was a correspondent for Jornal de Notícias in Rome, Italy, and Press Officer at the Office of the Minister of Education. She has an international certification in Permaculture (PDC) and created the street-art photography archive “Say What Lisbon?” @saywhatlisbon. Co-founder of CannaReporter® and PTMC - Portugal Medical Cannabis, Laura directed the documentary “Pacientes” in 2018. She also integrated the steering group of the first Postgraduate Course in GxP's for Medicinal Cannabis in Portugal, in partnership with the Military Laboratory and the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon.

“there are no fatal cases of overdose related to cannabis.”?
False! Recommended reading:
Inhaltlich ein sehr guter und wichtiger Artikel, aber die Qualität der Übersetzung grenzt an das Unverständliche.
Wenn ihr einen Korrekturleser brauchen könnt, meldet euch einfach! Es wäre mir eine Ehre euer Projekt unterstützen zu dürfen.
Congratulations to the journalist. The market for medical cannabis, a natural product, is being flooded with isolated products and now synthetics.
Reasons to pay close attention.