ExpoCannabis Brasil will arrive in São Paulo for the first time on the 15th, 16th and 17th of September, bringing together more than 100 specialists and...
The Federal Council of Biomedicine (CFBM) approved this week a measure that allows professionals in the area, namely biomedical ones, to prescribe, without medical guidance or prescription,...
It's called 'Trema micrantha (L.) Blume', it's part of the 'Cannabaceae' family and it's a native Brazilian species. So far, nothing special, if it weren't for this capable plant...
The Federal Supreme Court of Brazil has again postponed the judgment on the decriminalization of drugs in the country. The process has been dragging on since 2011 and in the last...
The anticipated debate in the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil, regarding the decriminalization of drugs, was initially scheduled for May 24, but ended up not happening....
Associação Santa Cannabis became the first association in southern Brazil to receive authorization to cultivate cannabis and produce plant-based medicines. O...
The unexpected seems to have happened in Brazil. After an intense week of demands, social mobilization seems to have had an effect on the Federal Council of Medicine...
Professionals specializing in cannabinoid medicine treatments and lawyers working in the medical cannabis sector meet tomorrow at a round table to exchange views on...
The Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) is being strongly criticized, after the resolution published on the 14th, having announced the opening of a...
Brazilian doctor Ailane Araújo, founder and president of the Nucleus for Development in Cannabinoid and Integrative Medicine (NDMCI), says that Resolution No.