The renowned Brazilian scientist, Sidarta Ribeiro, recently released a book that promises to challenge prejudices about cannabis and contribute to an urgent debate on legalization...
The rules for industrial hemp were once again changed today, with the publication of Ordinance 64/2023 updating the THC limit to 0,3%, as...
The ban on hemp flowers is being discussed again today at the French Council of State. This time, and a year after the ban attempt,...
Poland's Supreme Administrative Court ruled this week that unprocessed products from the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant are legal, contrary to rulings...
The French cannabidiol industry faces new setbacks with news that the government intends to ban the sale of CBD flowers. The measure can...
The first Infarmed-approved cannabis flowers have been available in Portuguese pharmacies since the beginning of April, but Tilray does not reveal what the...
The dried flowers with 18% THC that Infarmed recently approved will be sold in 15 gram bags at the retail price...
Pedro Andrade is 40 years old, lives in the Algarve and was a lifeguard until he was 27, when, on his way to work on his Scooter, he was...
Ana Rita Andrade is 34 years old, is a General and Family Medicine Physician and is responsible for Kanab Clinic, a clinic specializing in cannabinoid treatments. A-N-A...
Tom Hemp's, a Berlin-based hemp products company, has just launched a range of hemp flowers selected by the...