Planting industrial hemp doesn't have to be a seven-headed bug. THE CannaCasa – Industrial Hemp Association, created a free mini-course that explains the various stages to obtain hemp cultivation authorization and how to start the authorization process with the competent authorities in Portugal. The course is available on the CannaCasa website and is organized into modules, which each person can take at any time, depending on their availability.
This mini-course aims to serve as a prerequisite for members who are interested in benefiting from CannaCasa's support in processing authorization requests.
The course was created by the Vice-President of CannaCasa, António João Costa, who made it available so that it is simple and accessible to everyone to start investing in this secular culture. “We are going through obstacles and impediments that make no sense and only if there are many of us can we change the future of this culture with so much potential in our country”, he said.
The course is divided into five main modules: History, Legislation, Requirements for Instruction of the Order, Inspection and Controlling Entities and Documentation. The course is accessible this link.
1 - History
A Brief Introduction to Hemp
Hemp, an ancient culture
Hemp in China
hemp in india
Hemp in the Modern Era
2 - Industrial Hemp Legislation
European legislation
Portuguese legislation
Final considerations
3 - Requirements for the Instruction of the Order
Step 1 : Identification
Stage 2: Plant Development Stages
Step 3: Seeds and THC Content Declaration
Step 4: Photograph of the Packaging
Step 5: Affiliate
Step 6: Quantities
Step 7: Notification
4 - Inspection and Controlling Entities
General Directorate of Food and Veterinary Medicine (DGAV)
Financing Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries (IFAP)
5 – Ready to place the order
Submission of the authorization request through CannaCasa